If you’ve been a part of the gaming sphere for a while, you’ll know that gaming PCs are absolute behemoths. If you haven’t had the chance to use a gaming laptop/pc, take my word for it – they’re heavy, to say the least.
There’s an apparent and often massive disparity between the weight of a standard office work laptop/PC and its gaming counterpart. However, several variables are involved that ultimately dictate what the exact weight of a particular machine will come out to be.
Gaming PCs can weigh anywhere between 20-80 lbs on average. The exact figure depends upon the components used to create the machine. Low-end ones can vary between 20-30 lbs, whereas high-end machines can even go beyond 80 lbs!
Why Do Gaming PCs Weigh More than Regular Ones?

As I mentioned before, different variables at play decide the overall weight of a gaming pc. Some are more determining than others, but I’ll address all of the important ones here.
Type of Machine
A huge factor that adds to the overall weight of a gaming machine is whether it’s low, mid, or high-end.
As expected, low-end machines would weigh the least, and high-end ones are the heaviest.
This is because of the fact that the former utilizes components on a budget and, thus, uses lighter, and in some cases, lesser parts. On the other hand, the latter includes heavy components and luxury items within them (such as LED lighting) that make the gaming PC heavier.
A higher-end PC would both cost and weigh more than a lower/mid-range one.
Another massive aspect of how heavy a gaming PC ends up being is the casing used to cover it. Most of the time, the case of a gaming machine is quite large due to the different components it needs to cover inside.
Additionally, gaming cases are usually quite fancy, boasting things like special glass, lights, custom sizes, and unique patterns. Owing to the large size and features, these can add quite a bit of weight to your machine.
Graphical Processing Units
With new advancements in technology, GPUs are getting larger and, naturally, heavier than ever. Since GPUs are heavily utilized in gaming PCs – these further add to the weight mark.
In fact, some gaming rigs also utilize multiple GPUs, which only adds insult to injury. Of course, GPUs are essential (and probably the most important) gaming machine parts and cannot be left out.
This same argument stands true for gaming laptops. A graphical processing unit’s added weight and size make a laptop significantly bulkier than a standard one.
Cooling System

Gaming machines consistently make significant use of heavy-duty components and have massive processes happening in the background – all of which produce a large amount of heat.
To account for the generated heat and keep systems cool, large heat sinks and liquid cooling systems have to be used. These are usually integral to the working of a gaming PC as they keep the machine from overheating when being used.
A heavy-duty cooling system would utilize multiple fans, wires, and liquid cooling. These features would eat away at the weight stat of your PC and make it considerably heavy.
Motherboard and Accompanying Components
Your Motherboard, RAM sticks, HDD, SSD, and any accompanying components can also affect the weight of your machine. Motherboards alone can weigh anywhere from half a pound up to 4 pounds!
Now granted, these are minor aspects – but gaming machines use multiple RAM sticks and variants of hard drives/SSDs. Combining all of these together can make up for a significant amount of weight, going beyond 5 lbs!
Additional Customizations

Usually, people like to decorate their gaming PCs with added customizations and features. These can include custom-built cases, RGB & LED lighting, unique mounts, custom cables, and much more!
As expected, all of these decorations add to the overall weight of a gaming PC. They can cause the final value to become considerably large.
Gaming PCs are generally much heavier than standard ones. These types of PCs usually require much more processing power than your average run-of-the-mill computers and, thus, draw in more power. To account for this, heavy-duty equipment is needed and utilized in these machines.
Generally, low-end machines can weigh close to 20 lbs, whereas high-end ones can go up to the 80 lbs mark!
There are multiple reasons why the weight of a gaming PC or laptop is as significant as it is. Still, it ultimately boils down to large casings, cooling systems, heavy GPUs, additional components, and customizations in these machines.