Despite receiving its first full release way back in 2011, Minecraft is just as popular today as it’s ever been. The cozy sandbox survival game gives players total freedom in how they choose to live in – and shape – the procedurally-generated world.

This freedom has guaranteed the game’s longevity and a healthy serving of community support. The addition of mods – alternate texture packs, new skins, even volumetric lighting – gives players even more options in how they want to play the game.
Skin textures, in particular, seem to draw a lot of attention, even amongst more casual players. After all, there is an undeniable glee in being able to run around dressed as, say, God of War’s Kratos while punching trees.
However, creating your own skin texture is quite simple, requiring only a little time and patience (along with the information you find in this guide, of course). You, too, can create your skins and dress your avatar up in whatever costume you want.
Also read: Minecraft Skin Creator Minecraft Modding Tutorial
What Are Skins?
“Skins” refers to the texture of your player character, i.e., all of the colors that make up their physical appearance. Skins are highly customizable and can be made to resemble pretty much anyone – or anything. Not to be confused with texture or resource packs, which can be used to alter the appearance of blocks and mobs. Think of a skin as nothing more than a coat of paint on your character.
Custom skins (i.e., the ones we’ll be discussing shortly) are available for use on the game’s Windows, Android, and iOS versions. Unfortunately, the only skins available on the console are those offered on the Minecraft marketplace.
How to Make a Minecraft Skin
The easiest way to create a custom Minecraft skin is to use a Minecraft skin editor. Many such editors are available online, each of which may present its pros and cons. However, for this guide, we will show you how to use Skindex, the most popular skin editor.
Step One
First, you’ll need to visit the Skindex website, found here. Once there, select the “Editor” option from the top navigation bar, and you will be presented with a blank character model for you to customize.
Step Two
Alternatively, if the idea of a blank canvas scares you, you can choose from the skins available on the website to edit. Click on the skin of your choosing, at which point you will be directed to that skin’s page. Once there, select “Edit Skin” from the bottom of the right menu bar.
Step Three
Regardless of which route you choose, you come face to face with Skindex’s editing tool, which is pretty much a diet version of Microsoft Paint for all intents and purposes. Check out the left sidebar; you will find various tools, including the pencil, eraser, color picker, paint bucket, and magnifying glass, among others. And on the right, you will see the color wheel and the option to turn off body parts or the body’s outline.
Step Four
From there, the rest is pretty simple. The body will be divided into smaller squares for you to fill with the colors of your choice. You need to pick a color to start with, then use your mouse to start painting.
Click and drag on it to swivel it around to rotate the figure. Unless you’re going for transparent skin, you’ll need to fill every inch of your figure with color. All of that is entirely up to you, though.
Step Five
Once you’re satisfied with how your skin looks, you can download it for use in your own games. The download button will be below the editor.
Alternatively, if you’re keen to share your creation with the rest of the world, choose the upload button instead. Other than that, there’s not much else that you need to know. Skindex does allow you to change the shape of your model from the “Classic” version to the “Slim.” The Classic version features wider arms but is otherwise virtually identical to the Slim, which is more commonly used today.
Other Skin Editors
Skindex isn’t your only option when it comes to designing skins. It’s just the most popular. That being said, there are undoubtedly several other editors that are well worth your time if Skindex seems unappealing to you.
Nova Skin
Nova Skin is easily the best alternative to Skindex. While it’s not nearly as famous as that site, it features far more options and features, your ideal choice if you want to sink your teeth into the world of skin design. The sheer abundance of tools and prompts can make it seem overwhelming to some and is therefore far less accessible than Skindex.
Far less complicated and complex is, which hosts many trendy skins despite the site itself being relatively niche. Only dedicated Minecraft skin hunters will have heard of this one before. The site offers an editor that is entirely stripped down compared to the ones we’ve already showcased. However, the interface is far more manageable and less harsh on the eyes.
QB9’s 3D Skin Editor for Minecraft
Lastly, this skin editor is a valid option for mobile users. Qb9’s 3D Skin Editor features all the essential functions you’ve come to expect, so there’s no natural learning curve here. The controls are well-optimized for mobile devices. All the skins are compatible with the Android version of the game, but they can also be saved to your PC for use on the Windows version.
As you can see, making a custom skin for Minecraft is about as easy as dragging your cursor through Microsoft Paint. Perhaps yours will be Minecraft’s next most popular skin with a bit of creativity.